We are excited to extend a special invitation to your school’s swim and soccer teams to participate in the East African Chipkizi Swimming and Soccer Championship 2024, which will be held from 14th Dec 2024 to 15th Dec 2024

This championship is a unique event that combines two popular sports—swimming and soccer—bringing together young athletes from across the East African region. We aim to provide an engaging platform for schools to compete, foster teamwork, and build lasting connections. Whether in the pool or on the soccer field, we are confident your teams will enjoy this competitive and fun-filled event.

Event Details:
Date: 14th-15th Dec 2024

How to Register:
To confirm your school’s participation in either or both events, kindly contact
+254 742 222777 or email to pipssakenya@gmail.com

We look forward to having your school/club compete in this exciting and memorable championship!